Generational Inequality

Uzoma Dozie
4 min readNov 15, 2021

Last week, I was having a conversation with Zaneta — the daughter of a colleague. Zaneta wanted to speak with me on the importance of gender equality. Great — a subject I am particularly passionate and vocal about. Zaneta started the conversation by calling me Mr. Uzoma. I corrected her, immediately; my name is Uzoma, not Mr. Uzoma. She was surprised, a little perplexed perhaps — but I was determined; “Call me Uzoma”, I insisted.

Zaneta is 11 years old.

Yes, I am fully aware that in our society, 11 year olds calling anyone senior to them by their first name is not a simple concept for us to digest. But why? What’s wrong with people just going by their first name? Respect goes beyond a name; it’s how people treat you. Zaneta is a sharp, intelligent, polite young lady who conducted our conversation with respect — all the while referring to me as ‘Uzoma’. I thoroughly enjoyed our chat. The premise of our initial conversation about gender equality, and the naming issue, sparked new thoughts around generational inequality for me.

